Compare Comparison sites for the cheapest deals from every airline


You all know about flight comparison sites i’m sure. If not, it’s simple. They’re meta search engines, meaning they search the sites of BA, Etihad, EasyJet, KLM, Quantas, Virgin and all the other airlines. All you need to do is input your dates and your desired location, as well as whether or not you need a return flight, and you’re away, immediately finding the cheapest deal. Right? Wrong. Actually, your favourite price comparison site may not feature flights from every Airline, and if you’re undertaking a multi city trip you might miss out using one and not the other. A good rule of thumb is to check out two or three. Below is a guide to the major players and what they offer, so you can pick the best ones for you!

Skyscanner is our personal favourite. Why? Simple: if you’re willing to be slightly flexible, skyscanner makes it really easy to get a super-cheap flight. If you’re planning ahead, you can see a chart of flight prices for a whole month, letting you plan your holiday around that cheap flight, and leaving you more spending money to enjoy it. It’s also particularly strong when it comes to short-haul, budget airlines, so it’s your go to for city breaks on a budget.

You know those sneaky baggage costs? Kayak takes them into account, so when you think you’ve got the cheapest deal, you know you have, and you’re not about to be stung by a gold plated baggage handling fee. It has the option to search + or – 3 days also, providing some of the flexibility of skyscanner.

Travel Supermarket doesn’t quite have the useful bells and whistles of the two above, but it really has the basics down. Crucially, it has a wider coverage, comparing flights from some of the airlines the others don’t, Jet2 and Thomson included. This one provides a good second opinion, and can still get you a cheap deal.

Travelocity is slightly lesser known, but makes up for its lack of flexibility by also searching hotels, cars, cruises, and even things to do when you’ve reached your destination. Travelocity also has good coverage when it comes to long haul flights, so could well be your best option for that family holiday somewhere exotic.

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