Right time to Find job and buy cheap Ticket

Right time to Find job and buy cheap Ticket ?

Unfortunately, some major employment agency prediction may not be 100% true specifically in aviation, Monster, in a recent feature story refer that  winter is the time of year when the greatest number of decision makers are in the office at the same time, as these key personnel are just completed with their vacations and many of them take during the winter holidays, at the same time, January is when office work at many companies tends to pick up again after a slowdown in December. Some companies still mostly shut down during the last two weeks of the year. These firms won’t be making any hiring decisions around the holidays.

The statistic of international passenger movement in the US reveal that the full time employment only accounted for 10-20%, therefore the passenger movement in February accounted for 60 million in comparisons to 85 million in July, this 40% increase may generate  staff shortfall, there are ways to overcome this short staff, either hiring par timers or overtime, and again there are certain limit that neither regulation allow nor personnel have capabilities to take overtime. The only way that relatively short notice hiring in aviation may come in two big occasions.

The first seasons is February to March where the most steep increase for passenger movement is expected, this is relevant especially for flight crew and cabin crew employment and another seasons is May – June. These two seasons are the right time to expect hiring seasons, the budget is likely completed in December and advertising, recruitment campaign is just started in January – February.  Therefore, these are the right time to start your application and to update your application.  Consequently the beginning of the year is the right time to move around by finding cheap ticket deals for first quarter trip as the load factory may fall to 60%.

Statistic source RITA

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